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Updated: Sep 23, 2019

We stand for students.

At Chegg, we are always searching for innovative ways to serve students. Our economy is constantly changing, and soaring prices for everyday items continue to burden individuals seeking an education for themselves or their families, causing more and more students to graduate with debt. As students, families, educators, business leaders, and politicians navigate this ever-changing landscape, we’ve stepped up and created a new avenue for those passionate about supporting students of all backgrounds. No one who wants to better themselves should have additional hurdles in an uphill battle to successfully get where they belong, so we are creating a new table for anyone to sit at who wants to see students succeed. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of, the new not-for-profit arm of Chegg, which will serve as an impact, advocacy, and research organization addressing the issues facing the modern student. is designed to be a microphone for students, presenting research and data about what issues they are navigating and policy suggestions for how we, as a society, can make things better. We also have the Impact Fund through the Tides Foundation, which supports nonprofits who are building new solutions for students, and an advisory board of industry leaders who want to change the outlook for students with us. We will also be building scalable programs that other organizations can be a part of, so that anyone can join us in these efforts.

As our company continues to do our best to serve students, we are building to advocate on their behalf. Check out our second State of the Student report, as well as a call to action for employers to help with student debt, and stay tuned as we announce new initiatives this fall.

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